Climate CafesClimate Cafēs are safe space to share how you feel.
"A climate café is a simple, hospitable, empathetic space where fears and uncertainties about our climate crisis can be safely expressed." (Climate Psychology Alliance) Groups around the world are finding them a very valuable tool for helping people feel more connected, less alone, and less distressed about what is happening to our world. |
Meet up for an in-person Climate Café:
The Climate Action Support Network - Tamaki Makaurau offers informal sharing space on the first Sunday of each month at 10.30am at the Auckland Art Gallery Café in the CBD.
We hope to offer more in-person Climate Cafes around Aotearoa. Let us know if you hear of any, or would like to host one.
We hope to offer more in-person Climate Cafes around Aotearoa. Let us know if you hear of any, or would like to host one.
Heaps of options on this EVENTBRITE page for Climate Cafes:
Psychology for a Safe Climate
Sunday 26 January at 5.30pm NZ time
Friday 17 January at 7.30am NZ time
Run by Climate Psychology Alliance, UK
Cost is a donation
Wednesday 12 February at 8.00am NZ time
Psychology for a Safe Climate
Sunday 26 January at 5.30pm NZ time
Friday 17 January at 7.30am NZ time
Run by Climate Psychology Alliance, UK
Cost is a donation
Wednesday 12 February at 8.00am NZ time
Climate cafes online around the world!Climate Cafes Network Hub:
Great resources. |
Check out this excellent video about global women facing climate change, including a segment on Climate Cafes. (20 mins)
BBC 100 Women |
Train as a facilitatorThe Aotearoa Climate Mental Health Network is working with Psychology for a Safe Climate in Australia to offer facilitation training. The next one coming up is on Thursday 20 February, 12-3pm The prerequisite for the training is to attend three (3) Climate Cafes. Cost is AU$190 This includes resources including the Climate Cafe runsheet and PPT. Climate Cafe InterVision is the ongoing supervision space for Climate Cafe facilitators and is considered best practice. |
Contact network Co-ordinator: Silvia Purdie